T!LT, the tight information limit team, is a sub group of TEK/neoscientists, specializing in the development of tiny software.

For this purpose a custom compiler technology composed of a high-level compiler and a very small just-in-time compiler built into the executable image, with various stages of data compression in both components is used.

The language understood by this compiler is a dialect of FORTH. Here are some source code examples:

  • win.f- program to open a window (WinAPI)
  • vec3.f- routines for three dimensional vector math

Supported platforms currently are Windows and Linux on X86 processors. Support for Mac/PPC or Amiga/MC68K will be probably added in the future.

Some example binaries for Windows can be downloaded here (DirectX required).

The size of the executable images can and will be optimized further. A new revision is currently work in progress.


© Copyright 2003-2005 D.Adler and T.Schwinger